Raz Shuty - QA Engineer Turned Engineering Manager #103

Raz Shuty has held titles like Director of Engineering, Head of Engineering, Founder and CTO throughout his career, but he didn’t start there. In fact, after getting his degree in computer science he took one of the routes I believe can make for the strongest of developers: he went to work as a test and QA engineer before working his way into software engineering and lead software engineering roles.

Along his journey, he’s worked for the likes of PicScout, Wikimedia Deutschland, Auctionata, and fring as well as started not one, but two companies. In addition to his day job, Raz is a co-host on the podcast Techpoint Charlie, a podcast focused on topics in tech.

-Grant Ingersoll

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A word from Raz

I am a parent to an awesome frog called Ethan, annoying spouse to Yael, Ironman Triathlon and many Marathons finisher, 12 years Software Engineer and 4 years Engineering Manager. I like to talk about culture, and I try to be a product driven Engineering Manager and I truly believe that Product and Engineering should talk more often and the earlier the better.

Sometimes our industry is so stuck in finding the perfect solution. As developer we all criticize product people for being waterfalls but we as developers tend to over engineer so much. We tend to always try to find the best solution to deliver to production instead of finding a solution and then iterate.

-Raz Shuty


“If you do end to end automation you can have a product view, you can have a holistic view of a product. Whereas, as a software engineer its sort of hard to get your head out of the trenches and to see how things actually relate to each other in the big scope of things.“ 

“Sometimes our industry is so stuck in finding the perfect solution. As developers we all criticize product people for being waterfalls but we as developers tend to over engineer so much. We tend to always try to find the best solution to deliver to production instead of finding a solution and then iterate.”

—Raz Shuty

Key Milestones

  1. What inspired Raz to get into tech?
  2. Raz kicked off his working as a QA engineer. What lessons did he learn there?
  3. Changing from test to software engineering, while not a big change, is still a change that requires some new ways of working. What was that like?
  4. Raz moved to Berlin Germany from Israel. How is the tech scene in Germany?
  5. Why did Raz found his first company Auto-mind
  6. Not too long after those two things,  Raz also went into engineering management. What was it like getting into management?
  7. How does Raz define a good company culture?
  8. Raz is also a pretty prolific writer and a podcaster on tech topics. What inspired him to take up this extra work?
  9. Raz’s podcast, Techpoint Charlie.

Additional Resources

Raz Shuty’s blog on Engineering Management - https://somehowimanage.blog/

Check out Raz Shuty’s podcast, Techpoint Charlie - https://techpointcharlie.blog/

Connect with Raz Shuty

Connect with Grant Ingersoll