Naomi Ceder - Fostering a Global Python Community #80

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Naomi Ceder earned a Ph.D in Classics several decades ago. She switched from ancient human languages to computer languages sometime in the last century. Since 2001, she has been learning, teaching, writing about, and using Python and the Python community.

An elected fellow of the Python Software Foundation, Naomi currently serves as chair of its board of directors. She also speaks internationally about the Python community, and on inclusion and diversity in technology in general.

By day she leads a team of Python programmers for Dick Blick Art Materials, and in her spare time she enjoys sketching, knitting, and deep philosophical conversations with her dog.

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A note from Grant

From a PhD in ancient languages to teaching the classics in Greece to the Chair of the Python Software Foundation, Naomi Ceder has built a career around learning and leading in the tech world.

Naomi earned her doctorate in Classical Languages and Literature from the University of Wisconsin. She spent a number of years teaching Latin and the Classics both in the United States and Greece before making the leap into software development. Since that switch, she’s worked as an independent consultant, an open source developer, a software manager, an IT Director and a System Architect. She has been a part of Dick Blick Art Materials, the Canterbury School, RazorOccam, Zoro Tools and many other companies.

In her seemingly endless spare time, she is a regular contributor and volunteer for the Python Software Foundation and Trans*Code. Last but not least, she’s the author of the 2nd and 3rd editions of “The Quick Python Book” from Manning Publications.

-Grant Ingersoll


“When there are events going on I find it more rewarding to be a part of the event than to be a spectator”

“If you’re sincerely out there trying to help other people, I think that is the best way you can find contacts and build a network.”

“Over the years our more important purpose has been growing and fostering a global python community.”

(Trans*code) “There were lots of events going on in tech like hackathons and hack days. But there was never anything focused around trans folk.”

—Naomi Ceder

Key Milestones

  1. Naomi went from teaching the Classics to the Director of Technology at the Canterbury School. Why did she make that transition?
  2. Trans*Code is an organization centered around transgender and non-binary folk.
  3. Naomi is an organizer for Trans*Code and a volunteer for Python Software Foundation. She is also a teacher and instructor. What impact has volunteer work had on her career?
  4. How is Naomi involved in fostering the python community?
  5. Naomi has gone back and forth between individual contributor and manager. How does she approach these decision?
  6. Naomi shares some tips for becoming more solutions-oriented at work?
  7. “The Quick Python Book”. What is it about and who is it for?
  8. Naomi has a fascinating list of talks on her profile. They range from keynotes to deep tech talks on challenging issues like diversity and inclusion. What inspired Naomi to start public speaking?

Additional Resources

Find out more about trans*code -

Check out Naomi’s book The Quick Python Book from Manning Publications

Follow Trans*Code on Twitter - @trans_code

Connect with Naomi Ceder

Connect with Grant Ingersoll